SPANG 31 Back to my roots. Na een omzwerving door het land en stad ben ik uiteindelijk terecht gekomen op een plek waar achtergrond, talent, opportunity en mijn business samenkomen. Op deze plek heb ik mij gevestigd met SPANG 31 een HR adviesbureau. SPANG is een afkorting van mijn achternaam, maar betekent tevens heerlijk. Dat is precies wat Timorplein 31 voor mij is, een heerlijke plek om te werken, denken en ontmoeten. Een geweldige plek hartje Indische buurt.

dinsdag 19 april 2011


Patents are at the heart of countless technologies, and that can make life difficult for smaller startups, which are less likely than big companies to be patent-holders themselves. Aiming to create opportunity, innovation and new businesses in southern Sweden, the Mobile Heights Business Center is a partnership between local industry, academia and the public sector that offers approved participants access to a bank of unexplored patents, business ideas and solutions requested by industry.
Anyone can apply for membership with MHBC, which requires an interview and test to prove the applicant's entrepreneurial drive. Once approved, members are presented with a wide variety of as-yet-untapped patents and other business ideas provided by participating members of the telecom industry, including TeliaSonera, Ericsson and The Astonishing Tribe. In "Crash Lab" sessions led by professional business advisors, members can discuss any ideas they may have as a result; once a week, meanwhile, representatives from industry join in to listen and offer advice. Next, entrepreneurs develop a business plan with support from professional legal, HR, PR, marketing and business advisors. When they're ready, they can present that plan at an “Investment Day” open to active investors. Spin-off companies are expected to show a positive cash flow within two years.
MHBC is a pilot project administered by Teknopol AB with funding from various local municipalities and EU regional development funds. A model to emulate in other parts of the world? (Related: Incubator for socially focused ideas —Microfinance meets mentoring.)

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