SPANG 31 Back to my roots. Na een omzwerving door het land en stad ben ik uiteindelijk terecht gekomen op een plek waar achtergrond, talent, opportunity en mijn business samenkomen. Op deze plek heb ik mij gevestigd met SPANG 31 een HR adviesbureau. SPANG is een afkorting van mijn achternaam, maar betekent tevens heerlijk. Dat is precies wat Timorplein 31 voor mij is, een heerlijke plek om te werken, denken en ontmoeten. Een geweldige plek hartje Indische buurt.

dinsdag 19 april 2011


“Buy one, give one” initiatives are increasingly common forms of corporate generosity, but it wasn't until recently that we began seeing them involving children. Much the way Happy Blankie lets recipients of its animal blankets help decide where the donated ones get sent, so Texas-based clothing maker Whitten Grey aims to let the girls who wear its dresses participate in donating similar ones to girls in far-off lands.
Through Whitten Grey's Project Little Grey Dress, buyers of any eco-friendly dress from the company receive a unique code along with their purchase. When they enter that code online, they can then choose what country they'd like to donate a dress to—currently, the choices are Liberia, Guatemala, Malawi and Zimbabwe. After choosing the colour of the dress they'd like to send, girls can then enter a message they'd like to include for the girl who receives it.
Generosity has become increasingly important to the Generation G masses, so it stands to reason they'd want their children to learn that virtue too. Purveyors of other kids' products, large and small: time to bring some charity-minded capabilities to your own pint-sized patrons...? (Related: Buy a onesie, donate one to a baby in need.)

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